FreedomAlert Emergency Assistance

Guardian Alert 911can be worn around the neck clipped on a belt or carried in a pocket at all times * To avoid accidental activation the blue Activator Button is recessed and must be pressed for a minimum of 2 seconds to initiate a call * FreedomAlert offers the ability to summon assistance at any given time with a simple push of a button * FreedomAlert is the first product ever to allow you instant 2-way speaker phone communication through your mini wearable pendant to family friends or neighbors at any given time from anywhere in or around the home * If your programmed contacts are unreachable at the moment-the system can default to contact 911 emergency operator * Whether you are checking in with a friend need some quick help from a neighbor or in a full blown emergency your FreedomAlert Pendant will allow you to communicate your message instantly and efficiently from within 600 feet of your base station * This is not a cellular phone * Up to 4 user programmable contacts to call anytime * It is water resistant and the pendant allows you to summon help even if you are in the shower where seniors are most prone to accidents * Voice prompted system annouces activation during dialiing battery test and full system check * System has 24 hour standby battery power * Fully portable for use in any home with a regular phone line * Base has built-in 24 hour rechargeable battery backup system * A total of up to 4 pendants and emergency wall communicators can be set to work with one system. * Active Landline Required(POTS VolP and DSL). *

Average lead time for shipping: 10 + days.


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Guardian Alert 911can be worn around the neck clipped on a belt or carried in a pocket at all times * To avoid accidental activation the blue Activator Button is recessed and must be pressed for a minimum of 2 seconds to initiate a call * FreedomAlert offers the ability to summon assistance at any given time with a simple push of a button * FreedomAlert is the first product ever to allow you instant 2-way speaker phone communication through your mini wearable pendant to family friends or neighbors at any given time from anywhere in or around the home * If your programmed contacts are unreachable at the moment-the system can default to contact 911 emergency operator * Whether you are checking in with a friend need some quick help from a neighbor or in a full blown emergency your FreedomAlert Pendant will allow you to communicate your message instantly and efficiently from within 600 feet of your base station * This is not a cellular phone * Up to 4 user programmable contacts to call anytime * It is water resistant and the pendant allows you to summon help even if you are in the shower where seniors are most prone to accidents * Voice prompted system annouces activation during dialiing battery test and full system check * System has 24 hour standby battery power * Fully portable for use in any home with a regular phone line * Base has built-in 24 hour rechargeable battery backup system * A total of up to 4 pendants and emergency wall communicators can be set to work with one system. * Active Landline Required(POTS VolP and DSL). *

Average lead time for shipping: 10 + days.


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